Thursday 9 March 2017

Goodness of idleness! Be thoughtfully IDLE.

Let my active brain think with Idle Body!

Notorious Idleness is not a Sin. Even, Involuntary joblessness shouldn't be a holiday. Use it as a blissful time to craft future. It is vital for healthy mind & soul. It’s a time to think, re-think & un-think. It’s the time when body is relaxing & only mind may be working (If you are not sleeping). It’s essential to rejuvenate you for further engagements. Deprived of it you undergo an emotional illness which may spoil you future behaviour. Don't ignore Idleness of body.
Ironically, idle woolgathering makes sense most of the time. It help us simulate “What we are? What we want to be? What we want to do?”
Everyone wants full employment today. We keep doing work hopelessly for well-preserved future idleness & enjoyment. This is destroying the present that is full of attractive opportunities. These opportunities are missed by most of the people, as they keep themselves busy doing actually nothing.

Avoid Melodramatic over-tiredness. It is a way of covering up the fact that most us are occupied but have no ambitions in life. It is an easy solution to countless problems created when we are free. It’s a situation when we are not productively busy but get mentally & physically tired. This way of trying to be busy is a way to safeguard yourself from undesirable emptiness.

Before giving this response. Stop for a while. Look around. Have good problems. Be a visionary. Be booked for meaningful jobs. Give a meaning to our existence. We can always choose & indulgence in meaningful activities for being happily tired.

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