Saturday 22 July 2017

Say a soulful ‘YES’… it means a ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences

say no, saying yes, affirmative
You can’t reach anywhere around your dreams without saying ‘YES’. Often saying ‘yes’ to one great thing automatically becomes a ‘no’ to other good & bad things. It is very easy to say ‘yes’ as compared to say ‘no’. But, it’s very difficult to do justice with ‘yes’, you must think rationally & be conformed about future actions before saying ‘yes’. 
👍Say yes to ‘what already is?’ the present moment,nothing else is truthful.
👍Say ‘yes’ to new opportunity, try them with a hope for fruitful adventures.
👍Say ‘yes’ to preparations required to grab chances to grow & glow at highs.
👍Say ‘yes to the fights with fear and reservations about future results & life.
👍Say ‘yes’ to every effort required to make it to the highs to live your dreams. 
It all means that you are saying ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences & going to shop for the success & happiness, the universe has in store exclusively for you. This all needs a bigger burning desire inside you to say ‘yes’ to your own priorities. It is striving to be more you, than you have ever been. 
Say ‘no’ with a lot of courage, Say ‘yes’ with a lot of self-confidence, take enough time but Stop saying lifeless ‘maybe’, just decide rationally & the success will follow you!
Also Read "Saying NO"

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