Saturday 2 September 2017

Being VERSATILE… a little more chasing every day!

  • Be attentive... awareness & promptness at right time for what is going around you. 
  • Be competent... gain skills to find new ways-means to deal with diverse situations. 
  • Be curious... to stay current & pay attention to what is going around you. 
  • Be futuristic... look for & imagine in a creative way to find & suggest goals. 
  • Be humors... keep inspiring yourself to find fresh, exciting & moving topics. 
  • Be ignorant... practice to set things free, they may load your mind with junk. 
  • Be optimistic... overcome the roughest of challenges & attracts better opportunities. 
  • Be proactive... to change or adapt to the conditions to move ahead. 
  • Be quitter... learn to let go the wrong people & things at the right time. 
  • Be resilient... towards your failures, barriers and inadequate-imperfect means. 
  • Be respectful... understand accept other people’s choices, promises and desires. 
  • Be self-corrective... gather feedback & correct deviations from desired outcome. 
  • Be sympathetic... accept, acknowledge & understand what others are feeling. 
  • Be tolerant... open to accepting opinions and practices different from your own. 
  • Be visionary... have bigger and better view to cover all the relevant aspects. 
  • Be confident... believe in your own abilities, judgements and resourcefulness. 
  • Be self-disciplined... challenge ourselves to control our desires, reactions & responses. 
  • Be straightforward... delusion in thoughts, wards & action creates false identity. 
  • Be forgiving... get yourself free from agony of anger & hatred, it eats us alive

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