Thursday 13 July 2017

Be like snow & say ‘NO’… it is factual & confirming…

learn to say NO, silver line, clouds
No 'Noes' & affirmative replies just to please others will build high expectations; which when not fulfilled will bring disappointments stress & anger to everyone. Do not chase to grab people at the expense of really important dreams. People who really value your existence will come back to understand you.

Majority of dilemmas can be mapped out to a white lie ‘yes’ & a pending ‘no’. Saying ‘no’ means you know your limits. Saying ‘no’ can save & simplify your life positively with no guilt to yourself. Don’t injure the utmost bonding between you & you.

Don’t say ‘maybe’ or ‘yes’, if you want to say ‘no’. Don’t let these single words overload your brain & heart. Many times when you quickly say ‘yes’; you are confused about future actions & reactions. But, when you say ‘no’; you clearly know ‘why you said it’.

How & when to say ‘no’ to almost everything that don’t bring joy to you:
👍Accept that saying NO is okay; it doesn’t mean you are a hard-nosed person.
👍Define what is good for your wellbeing as well as interpersonal relations.
👍Be clear about what dreams you want to peruse, required efforts & consequences.
👍 You will have a clear & simple response “No’ for everything else.
👍Give valid reason without over-explanations & over-apologize for it.
👍Try to provide a fruitful substitute, if you feel like helping others.
👍 If you are not clear, delay you reply & come back with clear thoughts.
👍 Learn to listen and accept the ‘NO’ from others as well.

Say ‘no’ to thing for which you have no concern, no time & no aptitude.By doing so you will be able to spare enough quality time for the interesting dreams which deserve your aptitude as well as attitude.

Do yourself a favor by choose wisely between ‘a single NO to wrong one’ otherwise ‘many untold NOs to best ones’.

People with awareness & acceptance of true self-worth & high self-esteem, have courage to say ‘NO’ as well as confidence to ‘YES’.

Don’t neglect the power of positive ‘NO’.

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