Tuesday 25 April 2017

STRESS: make us do some charismatic things!

Stress is neither bad as we think of it nor it is that good. It’s okay to be stressed out, if we can manage it well. If it flows in right direction, it becomes the key to sugar coated success. If it flow in wrong direction, it puts a deadlock over possibilities of success.
Stress Management, eustress, distress, stress handling techniques
Stress get converted into negative vibes, when we add performance pressure, created due to expectations of people around us. Avoid such creators of anxiety. Avoid such destructor of self-confidence. Surpass the stress to win over ‘terror of failure’.
Let’s convert the short-term stress into eustress. Stress is not always negative. It can motivate us to prepare and perform better. It push us forward & make us do some charismatic things & achieve beyond expectations. We have to teach ourselves to manage it.
👉Awareness of initiators of stress: finding the reason & expectation behind particular feelings & count the occurrence of such feeling.
👉Stuffs that nurture the stress: finding & avoid plot, people, place who keep these feelings awake for long & don’t let go it.
👉Way of communicating the stress: listen more & finding the composed way these feeling can be conveyed to people around.
We need to Understand and accept the stress. Indeed,’ Compassion for stress’ can keep us motivated. An undesirable event is not end of everything in life; don’t let that get to you too much!
It’s about doing the right thing in the right way, without over-thinking about it. Take it easy, separate it with other thing, slow-down a little, be calm, simplify the things, have sensible analysis & response.
Read more on... Be Positive

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