Thursday 7 September 2017

A little SELF-RESTRAINT for a greater freedom!

We may no change or control what is happening around us! But, we can certainly challenge ourselves to change or control our extraordinary desires, reactions & responses to whatever is happening. Self-restraint is the virtue of mastering our own desires & passions.
Self-restrain is the will-power to face disrespect & give respectful response. Understanding of the tendency to forgo. Silence & calmness is the sign of strong self-restrain. 
It is the inner power which helps you not to do things which you are capable enough of doing but they are not so good for you or others. It is deciding that you wouldn’t do few things even if you have all the resources & ability to do that thing. It is doing what needs to be done for good future.
  • Check thoughts, wards & actions. 
  • Following an ideal day schedule.
  • Avoiding reactions & annoyance.
  • Watch out foodstuff & belonging.
Being completely happy with whatever you have in your life to free your soul and attain inner peace.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Being VERSATILE… a little more chasing every day!

  • Be attentive... awareness & promptness at right time for what is going around you. 
  • Be competent... gain skills to find new ways-means to deal with diverse situations. 
  • Be curious... to stay current & pay attention to what is going around you. 
  • Be futuristic... look for & imagine in a creative way to find & suggest goals. 
  • Be humors... keep inspiring yourself to find fresh, exciting & moving topics. 
  • Be ignorant... practice to set things free, they may load your mind with junk. 
  • Be optimistic... overcome the roughest of challenges & attracts better opportunities. 
  • Be proactive... to change or adapt to the conditions to move ahead. 
  • Be quitter... learn to let go the wrong people & things at the right time. 
  • Be resilient... towards your failures, barriers and inadequate-imperfect means. 
  • Be respectful... understand accept other people’s choices, promises and desires. 
  • Be self-corrective... gather feedback & correct deviations from desired outcome. 
  • Be sympathetic... accept, acknowledge & understand what others are feeling. 
  • Be tolerant... open to accepting opinions and practices different from your own. 
  • Be visionary... have bigger and better view to cover all the relevant aspects. 
  • Be confident... believe in your own abilities, judgements and resourcefulness. 
  • Be self-disciplined... challenge ourselves to control our desires, reactions & responses. 
  • Be straightforward... delusion in thoughts, wards & action creates false identity. 
  • Be forgiving... get yourself free from agony of anger & hatred, it eats us alive

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