Friday 3 November 2017

Don’t WORRY… don’t wait... don't waste...

anxiety, worried, distress, concern, care, upset, uneasiness, unease, restlessness, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress, strain
Worrying is not always bad… but when you start over-thinking, it’s nastiest! Worry is being troubled by the imaginations about what can go wrong! Overthinking about anything occupies you mind and you get stuck in web you created yourself. 
Worrying take away your strength & peace, with no work done. It makes you busy but doesn’t get you anywhere. It is just messing up with your mind-power to create a trap of problems which don’t actually exist sometimes. Worrying is wasting time to wait for expectation to be true.
A little worry is always required and it push ahead, when you understands the problem and trying to find the solutions. Avoid worrying about what can’t be worked out or what can go wrong, rather work for what can make you righteously excited and active, so that you need not worry anymore!
You need not worry, if things can be made positively constructive. And, if you have done your best, even then something cannot be changed positively, then you must not ignore it but you must find best possible ways & means to handle the after effects of such things! Accept & prepare well.
Don’t worry, if people don’t understand you. Don’t worry about what others will think/do. Don’t worry about how to make others happy. Worry only if you can’t understand your self-worth.
Take deep breath, worries just exist inside your mind! It’s being busy with no play & no work! It is waste of time. Don’t disappoint life, life exist now, live it now. Free yourself and do things to make yourself happy. keep up your self-esteem high and you will never worry again.

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