Friday, 30 June 2017

COMPETITION: Outshine Yourown Bygone!

competition, success, failure, win, lose, fear, compete
Our competition decides the greatness of our success. Success achieved or even failures against some worth competing superior fellow is a matter of honor. If you have great competitors, that’s is your luck that you have got a chance to grab, grow and glow.
Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. For a toddler, standing on his own feet for the first time is most joyous moment of success. Toddlers compete with themselves. For an Olympian, it is going to be different. First know & accept ‘Who are you?’ & try to be a better person.
Don’t think about how society defines the completion for you. It’s your take, you only can decide to whom to compete & for what to compete. You only can find the perfect competition for your game. You can only decide what different you want to do for society.
Success always follow the willpower to do things flawlessly. Competition as well as Success has no limits & you have infinite energy. You can always revisit & review your dreams for a better version of it. Put your head & heart in whatever you do.
Be a matter of competition to others.

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