Saturday, 28 January 2017

PATIENCE: Learn to allow more time!

how to be patient, improve Patience
Patience is the top-secret bargaining power to win over the people’s heart & mind. It is how you behave while you’re waiting. It is tireless courage in tiresome state of affairs.
Lack of patience is a response to whatever unacceptable is going on around. You can feel the stress. Patience give calmness of mind; making it easier to ride in ups and downs without being thrown out in life. To remain stress-free; to make swift decisions; here are some tips:
  1. Differentiate: you may be knowing the triggers already. Notice how impatience arises specifically; when people or situation or thoughts aren’t compatible to our prospects; which are often unrealistic. It’s natural but; certainly being impatient doesn’t put a stop to it! 
  2. Accept: You are caught up in it & it feels unpleasant; accept it..! It helps you to change the way you respond when you are impatient; gives you a chance to learn from it and perhaps uncover reasons; you may have the power to change. 
  3. Unexpected: Yes, you have plans, but things don't always work out as planned. Accept the twist and turns in life gracefully. Keep your expectations realistic. Remember that life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. Take it lightly you are not alone. 
  4. Exclusive: Each person is charmingly unique with disparate interests and styles; no one sees and does things exactly as you do. Appreciation for individuality; help you be more loving and more lovable. Remind yourself often that the world is not all about you. 
  5. Adapt: It needs patient practice. Treat yourself with compassion over your inability to be patient at times. Ask yourself: “Is there anything I can do to change the situation?” Begin to emphasis on something amusing or attention-grabbing while you’re waiting. 
  6. Let go off: If there isn't anything that you can do to resolve, just let it go. Easier said than done, yes, but it's possible, and it's the only right thing to do. Patience is a lot about what you don't do. It's about holding back when you are about to lose. 
  7. Conscious: Most of the time in life, we don’t get our first choice. Make a conscious choice; supported up by concerted efforts. You are likely to do a superior job of conquering the skill in question; you will eventually get what you want. 
  8. Prioritise: Ask yourself “why you find it so upsetting, then try to separate important things from things that make little or no difference to you. If you're impatiently busy, you're more likely to give up on things that are important to you. Chances are that your patience may get paid off. 
  9. Habit: Impatience is neither a character imperfection nor an inborn personality attribute. It's a tough lesson that can be learned, unlearned & replaced by new that you will never forget. New habits are not learned overnight, so don't be too hard on yourself when you slip back. 
We live in an impatient era, wanting & trying to make everything & everyone around us move faster at a pace we command. Rushing upsurges the risk of blunders and mishaps, which can end up costing more.
Being patient is a tactic of treating well & reaching out to yourself when you are suffering. Life takes time… Gradually conditions will change… Give yourself a break… Prepare… Have patience, first of all with yourself… Find patience in the breath of life.

Sunday, 15 January 2017


Optimistic, being positive, how to be positive
B+ is not just a blood group… it should be rolling into your blood. Your thoughts get reflected in your actions, and your actions build perception of your personality in others mind. And, first impression may not be the last impression now a days… but it’s going to be a lasting impression for sure. 
Life is like a highway road… long enough with lots of ups & downs. But, keep moving with a hope that these speed breakers are just to control speed, so that accidents can be avoided. Positivism doesn’t always come natural; you need to look at the brighter side…

1. Take time & go slow: Sometimes, it’s better not to force yourself to be positive. Give some time to yourself, to think, to feel, to analyses, to understand & decide…engage yourself in self talk. Only then, thing will work well as your body & mind will calm down. There is nothing wrong in being slow on right path. 
2. Check surroundings: Hear to all, listen to limited & follow fewer people! Try to spend more time with people who boost you up, instead of pulling you back. Try to improve/ change your outlook as well as outer world. Control your inner world of thoughts, where everything begins. Escape tagging & remembering negative thoughts; they are not facts.

3. Fight Fear: Fight back to that random toxic fear “What will happen?” just calm down and ask “what is the most horrible that can realistically materialise?” take deep breath and ask again “What can be the smallest of achievement that can add to my dairy?” and, constructive perspective will flourish & follow easily.

4. Healthy criticism: Criticism unavoidable. So just listen, it isn’t always about you. It may help you, so just don’t reply right back, right now. If it is a nasty attack on you, then; let it go. Don’t blame your negativity on outside world. First, you need to get rid of your own negative behaviours. Perfection isn’t the goal, when it comes to positivity.

5. Be Optimistic: Positivity nurtures the tendency to be optimistic in attitude. It help you overcome the toughest of challenges and attracts more opportunities. You must have curiosity “How something new can be done successfully & in a better way”, instead of wondering “Can I do it? I can’t do it! Who else can do it?” Be good & honest with yourself and it is okay to not like everything about yourself.

6. Grab opportunities
: It’s always better to take up an opportunity, you may fail at first, or you may make some mistakes. Be aware of all negativity as well. Not trying to overcome negativity is the biggest mistake of all times. Sometimes these failures & mistakes are the learning experience & becomes the greatest teacher who guide throughout the journey of you success.
The world is round & small enough, spread positivity and it will come back to you. Don’t stick to past or think about future, they drag you down. So, live the pleasant present moments right here, right now… and B+++
Optimistic, being positive, how to be positive

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Putting forward OPINION: hope you’re not Kidding or Joking!

putting forward your opinion, opinion management
Whether you are in office, home or partying out… a judgement takes shape in back of your mind about everything you see or hear. It may not be necessarily based on fact or knowledge. This view formed can be kept secret deep in your heart or it can be shared with few or all.

Having an opinion is natural, it’s an automatic process. But, why effectively putting it in front of others is so important…?? The reason is very simple, if you put forward your opinion confidently; then you can influence others and keep the conversation exciting.

You need to be well informed & updated about all the relevant global & local events. The key to make yourself feel important is “prominently project your opinion”. Don’t hesitate to speak, even when your opinion is just opposite to the opinion of majority of the folk. Opposition don’t always means you’re a wrong & the other people are right. YES, May be sometimes you are not correct...!!

When a myth is repeated loudly… it seems to be true. Dishonest opinions smash initially into dishonest people & afterward dispersed by honest people who propagate this without knowing what is correct or true and "what they are doing?". The utmost fraud anyone undergo is from their personal opinions. Don’t let your inner voice lose its shin due to noise made by nonsense talks.

The clock is running fast, don’t waste your time analyzing others opinion and get trapped into them. Just listen & follow your own instinct and heart, avoid to live life based on the outcome of others thought process. Being a part of cultured society, we respect others, but it doesn’t mean that we need to agree with others opinion always.

AND, it’s also not necessary to stick to your opinion once you made it public. It can change again and again, till the surroundings keeps changing. As many times as you feel you can change your opinion but don’t change your principles/ethics/values. "If in doubt, put forward a second opinion after full exploration of the details"

Because, too often, the know-how of a particular past instant shape your behavior & drive your opinion, over-riding the cold & hard facts that fuels up current situation. Sometimes, you are so passionate and enthusiastic that your assumptions may over-whelm your ability to understand the criticality & actuality of the situation.

You become biased and keep struggling to convert personal experience into perfect & practical opinion. The problem may not have a universally correct solution. This Untested assumptions & insignificant opinion must be handled on priority, before they play havoc & time is wasted. Don’t make it your ‘status quo’… sometimes just listen to others to breakthrough deficiencies… to craft novel way out..!!

At the same time, is it necessary to have an opinion & put it forward always..??? Your opinion doesn’t count as much as you think. Sometimes, Just listen to others… actually people always need noble listeners… and it counts a lot; it puts a lasting impression on others. Don’t speak, if it’s not your area of interest or it’s out of your knowledge domain.

Even though a reliance in self is commendable and maybe excusable, even if harmful consequences arise, what is less justifiable is when opinions are based on assumptions instead of facts. A straightforward explanation of your opinion can build credibility. Be true to yourself…“SHARE with CARE”

Friday, 6 January 2017

Self CONFIDENCE: Just fix it dude… no EXCUSES..!

confidence, how to boost confidence?, confidence building
It is the trust in your own competency to undertake a task and complete it successfully. It is the belief in your own decision making skills; problem solving effectiveness; your own thought process and opinions. If you can defeat the ‘TERROR of FAILURE’ then, self-confidence can lead the path to success which even you can’t envision.

People with high self-confidence take decisions based on their own knowledge, skills & experience even in the times of adversity. Such people are never in the background of any event; they mark their presence everywhere. They are always ready to take risks and try new things if it attracts them. But, be alert, don’t let confidence dance over your mind & sprite. Arrogance or we may call them over-confidant; it leads them to a self destructive behaviour.

👍First and the only way to gain self-confidence is push yourself one step ahead and encounter the fear... FACE IT... Do whatever you like or want to do; the confidence within yourself will start growing. You may fail for the first, second, third time… but you may learn reasons behind your failure, improve upon your weaknesses. & try again.

👍And; most crucial one, don’t forget to strengthen your STRENGTHS. And then; try again until you succeed..!

👍Block the fear producers which can be both internal and external. Surround yourself with genuine and positive people.

👍Cherry-pick a correct role-model and follow their ways-and-means but with your eyes and mind kept open as NO two individuals/situations are identical in this world.

👍Use relaxation techniques to avoid/ minimise anxiety; let all the butterflies in your stomach fly in the same direction.

👍Seek encouragement from past success or success of people with traits like you or even from small achievements to boost your confidence.

👎Whereas; people with low self-confidence are not able to stand-up and speak for their self, even when they are correct. Sometimes the reason may be that they just don’t want any conflict with folks. They are hesitant to take decisions, challenges and try new things; it is just because they have lack of belief in their own capabilities.
Fear-factor plays the most vital role in level of self-confidence. So, first remove the fear of failure, loneliness and so on… child never stops trying; they fall and get up and try until they learns how to walk without any support... may a times kids refuse to take help even if parents offer it to them. This is just because they don’t know what failure is. 
But, as we grow younger and then older, we start comparing and others starts making us realise that we have failed. Fear hijacks the mind and soul. And; you start telling yourself “don’t do this, you will fail, what others will say, you are not capable enough & so on and on…”
Don’t worry, if you don’t succeed, it may be beyond your mental or physical capabilities. You can always start something new or different. The world has seen many business tycoons who have failed in launching a product, but they don’t stop, they try another thing. If you can defeat ‘terror of failure’ by your craving for victory, no one can let you down.

Self ESTEEM: “I wish I had” to “I’am glad I did”

how to build self-esteem?, high self-esteem

“Feelings” about oneself is of utmost significance. Feelings are spontaneous; it takes only few seconds to change it from ‘good’ to ‘great’ to ‘bad’… Love yourself and the world will start celebrating & cherishing your existence. Accept what you feel about your actual worth. It’s all about “Feeling good about your self-worth”.

You can easily destroy your self-esteem by comparing/judging yourself with others or putting yourself down or abusing yourself with Drug/Alcohol. But it’s easier to build a positive high self-esteem. What you need to do is just start feeling positively about yourself, your actions, and your future. You need to cultivate independent and unconditional self-esteem. Self-esteem should be founded in reality; with hard work; it should not be pseudo.

👍Accept yourself: the process of building positive high self-esteem starts right from accepting yourself as almighty has created you. Stop distressing yourself about the things that can’t be changed. Remember you are unique and so are the others. So, be more uncomplaining for others also and the things they can’t change.

👍Don’t compare: Start umpiring yourself in terms of your own development. Don’t compare your weakness with the strengths of others; it’s unfair. Actually; try not to compare/ judge any person, place or even thing.

👍Be your best friend: The finest day of your life would be the day you realise “your best friend is yourself”; self-love is the new beginning. Always be with yourself everywhere. Always be on your own side when others are unfair. Never let yourself down in any situation. Take better care of yourself. Be kindlier to yourself. Be more forgiving of your own human imperfections and trust yourself.

👍Accepting compliments: Accepting compliments and cheerfully say ‘thank you’ as well as praise others, you will feel great. However; your self- worth should be based upon what you think of yourself. Admire yourself and Practice thinking positively about yourself.

👍Be conscious: Be conscious of the sphere around you; as it inspires your life – Find a good role model. Do something for someone else! Random acts of humanity! Be kind to yourself also! You are the director of the film “I, me & myself”. Be aware of that you are the foundation of your own selections & actions – you make your life.

👍Keep criticism away but exhibit yourself: Exhibit your feeling, values, dreams and desires in an appropriate manner and stand-up for them. Think before you make promises and commitments; and once made then honour them. Most important keep criticism to a least possible level. It waste time & efforts. Even if you encounter with criticism; use it constructively.

👍Engage with goodies: Identify and engage yourself with people, text, audios & videos that build your self-esteem. Never ever hesitate to ask for help from others. Always take advantage of learning opportunities to perfect your skills and enhance your knowledge. Eat proper food to nourish your mind and body.

👍Achieve goals & reward yourself: Pamper yourself by improve your personal living cosmos & Spare time for your inner self. Take responsibility for identifying your goals and when you achieve goals, don’t forget to reward yourself with the things you have dreamt about. You can’t please everyone all the time; Break the habit of trying to please others at the cost of your own happiness. Put yourself at first place in the list of people to be pleased and pampered.

People with low self-esteem are fearful of changes, seeks the safety. They are anxious communicator. People with low self-esteem are often drawn to each other – these associations are often hurtful rather than helpful. Whereas; People with high self-esteem are more ambitious, Self-confident, Seeks the challenge & good communicator with others.

Self-esteem is key to great social effectiveness. Chin-up sweetie you are intelligent… beautiful… smart… adorable… successful… in your own unique way…

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Self Concept on the way to Self WORTH.

self-worth, self-concept
“Our moral belief system tells us… very modestly that we need to be distinct and above mediocre to feel respectable about ourselves, but we all can’t be above mediocre… and it’s a bitter truth”

Actually, your beliefs, preferences, opinions, perceptions and attitudes towards your personal traits & abilities shape your self-concept. Simply, it is how you see yourself and as a result you think, behave and act out in your various roles in personal life and professional world.

Sometimes you cannot understand what is really going on in your mind, you may not be able to precisely clarify why you are thinking in this particular manner, or why do you act in that particular style?
People with positive self-concept see themselves as an adorable and valuable person, they are curious about things around them; they keep setting goals & trying new ways to attain them; and most importantly... they acknowledge their personal accomplishments.
Whereas, people with Negative self-concept feels unclear and uncomfortable about themselves; they are scared of probable rejection; they generally observe & analyses only one aspect and neglect the huge representations and Jump to decisions very quickly; they enlarge mistakes & don't value small accomplishments. Many a times these people blame others to hide their own failures or faults; whereas sometime they act being an overly amusing people or savior or self-sacrificing idealist.

No one is born with self-concept; it develops as a person grows older and older as a by-product of socialization. But, every one of us is born knowing our own self-worth; have you noticed kids using their self-worth to manipulate the response of their parents over their actions..? But as life moves on, the remark, hope and approach system of society downcast this natural wisdom of self-worth. Over the time, perception about yourself get altered due to dynamic internal and external factors/ situations/ challenges related to your past and future expectations also.

Self-worth is what empowers you to trust that you are proficient to undertake vivid task and complete them by giving best of your talents and backing well in society, and that you deserve to have an enjoyable life. Building self-concept and gaining a sense of self-worth back is very crucial.

Future expectations about yourself is the idea of what you might become or you would like to become or what you are afraid of becoming. These possibilities about yourself are motivations for certain actions.

You have a tendency to let go of the stuffs and ideas that are not matching to your self-concept, and you hold on to those that you think are supportive in constructing a more promising view of our personal being.

When you believe something that is harmonious to your self-concept, it is more likely that you would repel altering that belief; as a result changing this insight of yourself may take too stretched, but change is practicable.
Your self-concept may differ from what others think about you. For example, you may feel that you are generous while others see you as an egotistic individual..!!!
There needs to be a perfect bargain between ideal-self and actual-self. The one you want to be and the one you actually are. Some of your traits are god gift and some are nurtured. You can become what you think but efforts are required to be taken.

Self-concept does not include feeling about what you are. For example, if you are tall and you know it; then its self-concept. It does not include either you feel good about it or bad! And, Self-worth is less about assessing yourself founded on external activities and more about treasuring your intrinsic substance as an individual.
Can we build “I am ME?” a sense of our own value which is fairly true to ourselves? Of course yes; look for positive associations with others and just list down your personal strengths, abilities & areas of improvements. Then; set achievable goals based on your needs, wants & desires. Recognise your achievements at each milestone on the way and don’t forget to reward yourselves… you will surly come to know the awesome “Who” you are...I am ME???

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