Friday 27 October 2017

Confidance v/s Confusion

Choice is yours...

Crawling with Confidence


Running with Confusion

Prepare Well rather than Repair Later..!!

Friday 20 October 2017


Smile is GOD's Signature on your Face,
Don't rub it with anger...
Don't wash it with tears...

Friday 13 October 2017

LIFE is like a flute...!

 happiness life

However, small are the eyes,
they have the capability to enjoy the beauty of sky till the horizon.

Life is a beautiful dream,
every one of us have the capability to live it beautifully,
if we make it a habit to smile.

We need to nurture only two plants… 
one is the Selfless LOVE
the other is unbreakable FAITH.

LIFE is long enough with lots of holes & hurdles..,
BUT one can play soothing music..,
IF one learns swinging smoothly through it..!!!

Thursday 12 October 2017

SELF-CONTROL: Secret of stink free life in this out of control world!

restrain, Uttam Tap, Jain, Jainism, Control, Self-restrain
Will power to calmly & confidently balance the needs, desires & dreams, success & failures, highs & lows. Self-control is a most basic exercise to strengthen your mind. To avoid & ignore few things, acts & habits in order to get control over emotions, actions & desire. 
Results of self-control are the good health of body, mind as well as of soul. Self-control reduce the dependence on outer-world which leads to lesser expectations & lesser disappointment. If we master self-control than on one else will be able to control us. 
It is that moment when you know that is can easily do what is wrong but you exercise self-restraint to keep-up the right one. It is about choosing the fairly true, even when it is easier to travel through wrong path to reach the desired goal.
It is when we control our thoughts to manage our wards well. Don’t get offended, just  walk away from the negative people/plot/place. Every one of us is responsible for how we act & react, just because we can control our inner-self well.
One needs to practice a lot to train the body and mind to develop the self-control… Know yourself! Stick to self-designed plan… take a deep breath... backward count 10 - 0... Relax your body & mind... Analyze the act & its pro's - con's … Look at lasting outcomes... Now decide!
One should be happy, if all needs are fulfilled as well as one should not get disappointed, if some wants are still unfulfilled. 
It is greatest of all the challenges!
when you can do something… But you don’t do it!
Having self-control is not that easy... But it is a must have quality!

Friday 6 October 2017

EXCELLENCE: putting best possible expression of who we are?

Excel, how to excel, excellence, excellent, being best, success
Excellence is not about being perfect, flawless or best. Rather, it is about trying your very best each time you do something. It is in your prevailing attitude, when you put your heart & soul in to the activity you do, the unexceptionally fine results becomes visible to everyone!
It is not a one-time act! Results are to be maintained and improved in every next performance. It makes you more trust-worthy & dependable. Personal excellence can be achieved with constant desire for & efforts for using your full potential to win over evil habits & weakness to achieve desired goals. Success follows the people who’s habit is to excel in whatever they do!
It doesn’t matter how small or big the task is, what matters is how well you tried to do it in an extraordinary way. It can be achieved by candid determination in intelligent direction with great dreams. It needs a skillful execution with full consideration to your strengths & areas of improvements. Smart visualisation of treats & opportunities. 
When we pursue excellence, we tend to achieve higher horizons of success every next time.

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