Monday, 31 July 2017

VERSATILE: challenge your limits to bring resilience!

traits of good personality, being versatile
Don’t let your personality to get trapped in definite limits rather challenge your limits to peruse different endeavors. Don’t claim fame, rather focus on next step, the limelight will follow you.
Don’t get stuck to old principles or skills, new opportunities may require you to forgo the old and find new ways and means. Versatility is not about just becoming better at what you do. It doesn’t mean that you need to work harder & more. 
Being versatile means being good at many skills, knowing many concepts, capable of dealing with many different people & circumstances. If you can’t influence the world according to you, you should adapt to move ahead. It is about being able to do something you have not been able to do before. 
First and foremost, be assertive & active to be versatile. Keep on adding new skills & knowledge to be capable to experiment. Look out for improvement; slight twist can renovate ordinary to unusual. Think ahead, differently & prepare now. Appoint yourself for positive self-talk, know yourself and acknowledge your self-worth.
Being versatile requires emotional patience, mental resilience & spiritual guidance to come out of your comfort zone. It help to face & fight with uncertainties. It help to grab, grow & glow with new opportunities.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Drop every Fear of Failure now...!

try again, don't loss hope, fear, failures, learn, keep learning
... Success is easy to find and failure is even more easier to be kept by not trying again. Failure is letting go the chance to try and win. Pains of taking back foot last forever, better collect the self-confidence to win over the terror of failure...

Monday, 24 July 2017

FLEXIBILITY: Don’t keep yourself glued to the ground, just sway with the stream.

flexibility, change is constant, bend or break
You will be tirelessly amazed by ‘how comfortably you got yourself out of your well-worn comfort zone by starching your perseverance?’ It’s the flexibility of water that make its own way.
Our personality is our possession which is always work in progress with lots of room for improvement. Be flexible as life is not going to the same always. Be firm about your ambitions and flexible about your approaches. If you can’t be flexible, you become irritable easily.
Persuade yourself to manage the change. Learn new ways to do things, it doesn’t mean that you have to compromise with your results & goals. It is greatest strength one can acquire.
         ✌ Have plans for unseen opportunities & challenges.
         ✌ Have an open mind for a hearty welcome to new ideas.
         ✌ Have transformation in perception and emotions.
         ✌ Have a second opinion from yourself more often.
         ✌ Have self-inspired skills learned more often.
         ✌ Have different approach for same old activity.
         ✌ Have some poles apart activities more often.
         ✌ Have an adjusting attitude but trust yourself.
         ✌ Have busy & idle days both to rejuvenate yourself.
         ✌ Have a let-go-off attitude for the thing you hold.
Roots have to be stiff deep inside the soil, and stem have to be flexible by swaying in storms to make tree stand strong. A strong character with flexible behavior gives stability. Accept what you can’t do now and act on what you can do now to respire new life to your mind. 

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Say a soulful ‘YES’… it means a ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences

say no, saying yes, affirmative
You can’t reach anywhere around your dreams without saying ‘YES’. Often saying ‘yes’ to one great thing automatically becomes a ‘no’ to other good & bad things. It is very easy to say ‘yes’ as compared to say ‘no’. But, it’s very difficult to do justice with ‘yes’, you must think rationally & be conformed about future actions before saying ‘yes’. 
👍Say yes to ‘what already is?’ the present moment,nothing else is truthful.
👍Say ‘yes’ to new opportunity, try them with a hope for fruitful adventures.
👍Say ‘yes’ to preparations required to grab chances to grow & glow at highs.
👍Say ‘yes to the fights with fear and reservations about future results & life.
👍Say ‘yes’ to every effort required to make it to the highs to live your dreams. 
It all means that you are saying ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences & going to shop for the success & happiness, the universe has in store exclusively for you. This all needs a bigger burning desire inside you to say ‘yes’ to your own priorities. It is striving to be more you, than you have ever been. 
Say ‘no’ with a lot of courage, Say ‘yes’ with a lot of self-confidence, take enough time but Stop saying lifeless ‘maybe’, just decide rationally & the success will follow you!
Also Read "Saying NO"

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

QUITTING: almighty always allows excuses & escapes for ‘On the Way Pick-ups’

Jumbling-n-jerks will break you down to make you what you are intended to be. When the path you are trekking seems all uphill, take rest. If you are worn-out than learn to take rest; not to abandon the journey to DREAMS. It’s like chasing silver-line of the dark clouds; you may not know how close you are to it, when you took a flight back.
quit or win, hopelessness
Remember the reason of your journey; don’t give up; make mistakes; find new ways & keep moving. Making continuous efforts with recurrent failures is very scary; but lifelong regret of quitting are scarier. Pain of quitting your dreams when you are about to succeed & wanted to continue last forever.
Never quit on your dreams that you can’t go a moment without thinking about it. Sometimes things take a little longer to happen. One day when you will look back and you will be glad you didn’t gave up in past. You are crushed when you give up. What happens if you don’t give up? You will either succeed or learn a lot from the lost fights.
But, surprisingly many a time’s quitting is the best thing to do; it is perfectly okay and necessary to walk away:

👍When things do not make you happy any more.

👍When you do not feel excited about the required next step

👍When the task doesn’t complements your personality.

👍When you are able to follow your heart & intuitions.

👍When your actions doesn’t move towards your dreams.

👍When things can be improved by change only.

👍When you have had enough of everything for a fulfilling life.

Don’t quit just because some external events went wrong; quit because you have not left even a single stone unturned; but still thing are not getting better. Before quitting just give it one last shot. Sometime letting go the thing is better; to make yourself free for some changes & new opportunities.
To keep balance in your life you have to keep moving. Successful people learn to let go the wrong things at the right time. One should not be afraid of quitting a good task in persuade of the great one. Life is to be balanced by kicking back to do a different thing as well.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Be like snow & say ‘NO’… it is factual & confirming…

learn to say NO, silver line, clouds
No 'Noes' & affirmative replies just to please others will build high expectations; which when not fulfilled will bring disappointments stress & anger to everyone. Do not chase to grab people at the expense of really important dreams. People who really value your existence will come back to understand you.

Majority of dilemmas can be mapped out to a white lie ‘yes’ & a pending ‘no’. Saying ‘no’ means you know your limits. Saying ‘no’ can save & simplify your life positively with no guilt to yourself. Don’t injure the utmost bonding between you & you.

Don’t say ‘maybe’ or ‘yes’, if you want to say ‘no’. Don’t let these single words overload your brain & heart. Many times when you quickly say ‘yes’; you are confused about future actions & reactions. But, when you say ‘no’; you clearly know ‘why you said it’.

How & when to say ‘no’ to almost everything that don’t bring joy to you:
👍Accept that saying NO is okay; it doesn’t mean you are a hard-nosed person.
👍Define what is good for your wellbeing as well as interpersonal relations.
👍Be clear about what dreams you want to peruse, required efforts & consequences.
👍 You will have a clear & simple response “No’ for everything else.
👍Give valid reason without over-explanations & over-apologize for it.
👍Try to provide a fruitful substitute, if you feel like helping others.
👍 If you are not clear, delay you reply & come back with clear thoughts.
👍 Learn to listen and accept the ‘NO’ from others as well.

Say ‘no’ to thing for which you have no concern, no time & no aptitude.By doing so you will be able to spare enough quality time for the interesting dreams which deserve your aptitude as well as attitude.

Do yourself a favor by choose wisely between ‘a single NO to wrong one’ otherwise ‘many untold NOs to best ones’.

People with awareness & acceptance of true self-worth & high self-esteem, have courage to say ‘NO’ as well as confidence to ‘YES’.

Don’t neglect the power of positive ‘NO’.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

FAILURE: Just a warning, re-route & go ahead.

fear of failure, confidence, courage, letdowns, don't loss hope
The interesting stories of failures of iconically successful people that teaches us the great lessons and warnings as well. The story of how these courageous people managed to bounce back confidently & how they failed again but kept on trying to live their dreams
Don’t question yourself while you think of some unique plans. Be prepared to be wrong; don't judge yourself, don’t refuse to get up & try again to achieve something unusual. Failure brings disappointment, motivate the self to learn, it’s an opportunity to change & succeed. 
When purposes & competition are supreme, even failures are splendid. Generally failures are perceived to be more public & everyone try to avoid failures. It is more bothered about than success. What counts is the daring to carry on with positivity & look forward confidently
Success is easy to find and failure is even more easier to be kept by not trying again. Failure is letting go the chance to try and win. Pains of taking back foot last forever, better collect the self-confidence to win over the terror of failure.
Only a real fall can tell you the altitude on which you are standing now. It helps get proper perspective & a chance to revise your strength to wisely bounce back higher. Failures are not dead-ends but they are the signals that you need to re-route your journey towards success.
Push your limits to live the better failures next time and enjoy the ultimate supreme success.

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