Friday, 3 November 2017

Don’t WORRY… don’t wait... don't waste...

anxiety, worried, distress, concern, care, upset, uneasiness, unease, restlessness, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress, strain
Worrying is not always bad… but when you start over-thinking, it’s nastiest! Worry is being troubled by the imaginations about what can go wrong! Overthinking about anything occupies you mind and you get stuck in web you created yourself. 
Worrying take away your strength & peace, with no work done. It makes you busy but doesn’t get you anywhere. It is just messing up with your mind-power to create a trap of problems which don’t actually exist sometimes. Worrying is wasting time to wait for expectation to be true.
A little worry is always required and it push ahead, when you understands the problem and trying to find the solutions. Avoid worrying about what can’t be worked out or what can go wrong, rather work for what can make you righteously excited and active, so that you need not worry anymore!
You need not worry, if things can be made positively constructive. And, if you have done your best, even then something cannot be changed positively, then you must not ignore it but you must find best possible ways & means to handle the after effects of such things! Accept & prepare well.
Don’t worry, if people don’t understand you. Don’t worry about what others will think/do. Don’t worry about how to make others happy. Worry only if you can’t understand your self-worth.
Take deep breath, worries just exist inside your mind! It’s being busy with no play & no work! It is waste of time. Don’t disappoint life, life exist now, live it now. Free yourself and do things to make yourself happy. keep up your self-esteem high and you will never worry again.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Confidance v/s Confusion

Choice is yours...

Crawling with Confidence


Running with Confusion

Prepare Well rather than Repair Later..!!

Friday, 20 October 2017


Smile is GOD's Signature on your Face,
Don't rub it with anger...
Don't wash it with tears...

Friday, 13 October 2017

LIFE is like a flute...!

 happiness life

However, small are the eyes,
they have the capability to enjoy the beauty of sky till the horizon.

Life is a beautiful dream,
every one of us have the capability to live it beautifully,
if we make it a habit to smile.

We need to nurture only two plants… 
one is the Selfless LOVE
the other is unbreakable FAITH.

LIFE is long enough with lots of holes & hurdles..,
BUT one can play soothing music..,
IF one learns swinging smoothly through it..!!!

Thursday, 12 October 2017

SELF-CONTROL: Secret of stink free life in this out of control world!

restrain, Uttam Tap, Jain, Jainism, Control, Self-restrain
Will power to calmly & confidently balance the needs, desires & dreams, success & failures, highs & lows. Self-control is a most basic exercise to strengthen your mind. To avoid & ignore few things, acts & habits in order to get control over emotions, actions & desire. 
Results of self-control are the good health of body, mind as well as of soul. Self-control reduce the dependence on outer-world which leads to lesser expectations & lesser disappointment. If we master self-control than on one else will be able to control us. 
It is that moment when you know that is can easily do what is wrong but you exercise self-restraint to keep-up the right one. It is about choosing the fairly true, even when it is easier to travel through wrong path to reach the desired goal.
It is when we control our thoughts to manage our wards well. Don’t get offended, just  walk away from the negative people/plot/place. Every one of us is responsible for how we act & react, just because we can control our inner-self well.
One needs to practice a lot to train the body and mind to develop the self-control… Know yourself! Stick to self-designed plan… take a deep breath... backward count 10 - 0... Relax your body & mind... Analyze the act & its pro's - con's … Look at lasting outcomes... Now decide!
One should be happy, if all needs are fulfilled as well as one should not get disappointed, if some wants are still unfulfilled. 
It is greatest of all the challenges!
when you can do something… But you don’t do it!
Having self-control is not that easy... But it is a must have quality!

Friday, 6 October 2017

EXCELLENCE: putting best possible expression of who we are?

Excel, how to excel, excellence, excellent, being best, success
Excellence is not about being perfect, flawless or best. Rather, it is about trying your very best each time you do something. It is in your prevailing attitude, when you put your heart & soul in to the activity you do, the unexceptionally fine results becomes visible to everyone!
It is not a one-time act! Results are to be maintained and improved in every next performance. It makes you more trust-worthy & dependable. Personal excellence can be achieved with constant desire for & efforts for using your full potential to win over evil habits & weakness to achieve desired goals. Success follows the people who’s habit is to excel in whatever they do!
It doesn’t matter how small or big the task is, what matters is how well you tried to do it in an extraordinary way. It can be achieved by candid determination in intelligent direction with great dreams. It needs a skillful execution with full consideration to your strengths & areas of improvements. Smart visualisation of treats & opportunities. 
When we pursue excellence, we tend to achieve higher horizons of success every next time.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

A little SELF-RESTRAINT for a greater freedom!

We may no change or control what is happening around us! But, we can certainly challenge ourselves to change or control our extraordinary desires, reactions & responses to whatever is happening. Self-restraint is the virtue of mastering our own desires & passions.
Self-restrain is the will-power to face disrespect & give respectful response. Understanding of the tendency to forgo. Silence & calmness is the sign of strong self-restrain. 
It is the inner power which helps you not to do things which you are capable enough of doing but they are not so good for you or others. It is deciding that you wouldn’t do few things even if you have all the resources & ability to do that thing. It is doing what needs to be done for good future.
  • Check thoughts, wards & actions. 
  • Following an ideal day schedule.
  • Avoiding reactions & annoyance.
  • Watch out foodstuff & belonging.
Being completely happy with whatever you have in your life to free your soul and attain inner peace.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Being VERSATILE… a little more chasing every day!

  • Be attentive... awareness & promptness at right time for what is going around you. 
  • Be competent... gain skills to find new ways-means to deal with diverse situations. 
  • Be curious... to stay current & pay attention to what is going around you. 
  • Be futuristic... look for & imagine in a creative way to find & suggest goals. 
  • Be humors... keep inspiring yourself to find fresh, exciting & moving topics. 
  • Be ignorant... practice to set things free, they may load your mind with junk. 
  • Be optimistic... overcome the roughest of challenges & attracts better opportunities. 
  • Be proactive... to change or adapt to the conditions to move ahead. 
  • Be quitter... learn to let go the wrong people & things at the right time. 
  • Be resilient... towards your failures, barriers and inadequate-imperfect means. 
  • Be respectful... understand accept other people’s choices, promises and desires. 
  • Be self-corrective... gather feedback & correct deviations from desired outcome. 
  • Be sympathetic... accept, acknowledge & understand what others are feeling. 
  • Be tolerant... open to accepting opinions and practices different from your own. 
  • Be visionary... have bigger and better view to cover all the relevant aspects. 
  • Be confident... believe in your own abilities, judgements and resourcefulness. 
  • Be self-disciplined... challenge ourselves to control our desires, reactions & responses. 
  • Be straightforward... delusion in thoughts, wards & action creates false identity. 
  • Be forgiving... get yourself free from agony of anger & hatred, it eats us alive

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

STRAIGHT-FORWARDNESS is a step forward for enlightened growth!

truthful, direct, honest, honesty

Delusion in thoughts creates false identity. An individual who think something, saying something else and do something entirely different; such an individual fails to maintain his trustworthiness. Such individuals lives with continuous fear of their trick being uncovered. Such deceitful actions lead to the influx of stress
Lack of drama & mind games makes things very easy. Sometimes straight forwardness is unpleasant but effective. Don’t confuse straight-forwardness with rudeness. Rudeness is just an imitation of strength. Saying what you feel & what you believe, it is how you can handle the truth, it’s being real and straightforwardness is real strength. But, don’t let your straight-forwardness become rudeness. 
First, be honest to yourself and recognize your true self. One should practice to have divine harmony in your thought, wards and actions. It’s a state of supreme bliss. Bring straight-forwardness by being true & honest to self and everyone else. Then, you will never need to think twice before any action or opinion
Say things straight up to other person’s face. Avoid talks behind other’s back. Avoid bring up the past in between. Avoid talking about yourself all the time. Avoid speaking more rather listen more. If you can’t understand things, then you can’t explain them in simple ways. Be real… and forgive yourself for 'the perfection is not achieved'. Don’t be afraid of being straightforward, it is a step forward for enlightened growth.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


Forgiveness, Jain daslakshan dharma, jain paryushan parva
Although, it is not always easy to forgive. Sometimes the pain is deeper than the wounds visible to the world. Stop touching & scratching the wounds, if you want to heal them. It doesn’t approve what happened was correct. But, when you don’t forgive, then you are the one who is inflicting the sufferings. Every time you forgive others or ask for forgiveness, you move towards perfection, with lesser mistakes each day, towards stress free life each moment. It’s better to grab the awakening lessons & move on with a positive attitude.
Read More:  FORGIVE Quickly..! It’s an art to win over the natural instinct to pay back evil with evil.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Choose to be GENTLE... thoughtful wards & mild manners..!

Uttam Mardav Jain Gentle Gentleness kindness softness

Gentleness is divine. It is understanding others & being kind towards them with a fellow feeling. Leave all your pride and believe that every soul is equal in order to understand your own true self.
All that is won by force is temporary. Don’t raise your voice or hands or desires; raise them for prayer, praise & dreams only. You have potential to control or even damage the thing, but still choose to be careful about your wards & action.
Gentleness can only be expected from strong by not being angry and cruel. Don’t be offensive rather be gentle, it needs courage to keep your powers & strength under control.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

FORGIVE Quickly..! It’s an art to win over the natural instinct to pay back evil with evil.

forgiveness, Jain Paryushan, Jain daslakshan Dharma
Anger & hatred eats us alive. Let’s find keys to get yourself free from agony. Forgiveness puts an end to resentment and retaliation which makes you suffer the most.
Inculcate positivity to understand that people can make mistake. Forgiving is not an excuse for wrong behavior or deeds. It’s a better choice to forgive because it changes the life by bringing peace & making you stronger. Forgive others, not just because they desire or deserve it, but because staying with the burden of some annoying talks or events can rob all our health & happiness. Sometimes, people hurt you because of anger due to their own misery, they need help rather than punishment. So, forgive as quickly as you expect others to forgive you.
As well as, be careful about your doings & wordings, once they are delivered, they can be only forgiven but they may not be forgotten. There is nothing wrong in accepting your own mistakes and wrong doings. It need a lot of courage to accept, admit, apologies, act to correct it & not repeat it. It sets us free from the weight of guilt burning deep inside our heart. No one is perfect, we make mistakes, but when we say sorry, we should actually mean it…! And, find out "What can be done to correct it?"
The most important steps towards peaceful wholeness is:
👉Forgive yourself for lesser knowledge, it can be learned & acquired.
👉👉Forgive yourself for lesser physical fitness, it can be gained & developed.
👉👉👉Forgive yourself for lesser perfections, it can be achieved by practice.
The weak can never forgive. But the stronger ones forgive more & judge less to freeing yourselves of negative energy that bind you. But, don’t let anyone pull you low enough, that you start hating, better try to escape that situation & best become so worthy that no one try to do so.

Cherish all the good things happened to you & let go off your pride to forgive, if you still want someone in your life as well as if you still want peace of mind. Forgiveness is persistent efforts for the wellbeing of yourselves. Forgiving is compassion towards self. It is our intelligent choice to see people as they are now and act in present.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Patience, how to improve patience?, being patient
Being patient is a tactic of treating well & reaching out to yourself when you are suffering.
Life takes time…
To remain stress-free; to make swift decisions; here are some tips on how to be patient....
Read More on Patience... Does / Don'ts


The world is round & small enough, spread positivity and it will come back to you. Don’t stick to Past or think about future, they drag you down. So, live the pleasant present moments right here, right now… and B+++


putting forward your opinion, opinion management
Even though a reliance in self is commendable and maybe excusable, even if harmful consequences arise, what is less justifiable is when opinions are based on assumptions instead of facts.

Self Confidence

If you can defeat the ‘terror of failure’ then, self-confidence can lead the path to success which even you can’t envision.
Self-confidence boosting techniques, ways to boost self-confidence, does & don'ts
Read More on "Self-confidence Building Does & Don'ts"

Self Esteem

It’s a journey from “I wish I had” to “I’m glad I did”. Remember you can have anything in this world, if you just have faith in yourself. Self-esteem is key to great social effectiveness. Chin-up sweetie you are intelligent… beautiful… smart… adorable… successful… in your own unique way…
good high Self-esteem, personality traits

Self Worth

self-worth management techniques
Can we build “I am ME?” a sense of our own value which is fairly true to ourselves? Of course yes; look for positive associations with others and just list down your personal strengths, abilities & areas of improvements. Then; set achievable goals based on your needs, wants & desires. Recognize your achievements at each milestone on the way and don’t forget to reward yourselves… you will surly come to know the awesome “Who” you are.

Monday, 31 July 2017

VERSATILE: challenge your limits to bring resilience!

traits of good personality, being versatile
Don’t let your personality to get trapped in definite limits rather challenge your limits to peruse different endeavors. Don’t claim fame, rather focus on next step, the limelight will follow you.
Don’t get stuck to old principles or skills, new opportunities may require you to forgo the old and find new ways and means. Versatility is not about just becoming better at what you do. It doesn’t mean that you need to work harder & more. 
Being versatile means being good at many skills, knowing many concepts, capable of dealing with many different people & circumstances. If you can’t influence the world according to you, you should adapt to move ahead. It is about being able to do something you have not been able to do before. 
First and foremost, be assertive & active to be versatile. Keep on adding new skills & knowledge to be capable to experiment. Look out for improvement; slight twist can renovate ordinary to unusual. Think ahead, differently & prepare now. Appoint yourself for positive self-talk, know yourself and acknowledge your self-worth.
Being versatile requires emotional patience, mental resilience & spiritual guidance to come out of your comfort zone. It help to face & fight with uncertainties. It help to grab, grow & glow with new opportunities.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Drop every Fear of Failure now...!

try again, don't loss hope, fear, failures, learn, keep learning
... Success is easy to find and failure is even more easier to be kept by not trying again. Failure is letting go the chance to try and win. Pains of taking back foot last forever, better collect the self-confidence to win over the terror of failure...

Monday, 24 July 2017

FLEXIBILITY: Don’t keep yourself glued to the ground, just sway with the stream.

flexibility, change is constant, bend or break
You will be tirelessly amazed by ‘how comfortably you got yourself out of your well-worn comfort zone by starching your perseverance?’ It’s the flexibility of water that make its own way.
Our personality is our possession which is always work in progress with lots of room for improvement. Be flexible as life is not going to the same always. Be firm about your ambitions and flexible about your approaches. If you can’t be flexible, you become irritable easily.
Persuade yourself to manage the change. Learn new ways to do things, it doesn’t mean that you have to compromise with your results & goals. It is greatest strength one can acquire.
         ✌ Have plans for unseen opportunities & challenges.
         ✌ Have an open mind for a hearty welcome to new ideas.
         ✌ Have transformation in perception and emotions.
         ✌ Have a second opinion from yourself more often.
         ✌ Have self-inspired skills learned more often.
         ✌ Have different approach for same old activity.
         ✌ Have some poles apart activities more often.
         ✌ Have an adjusting attitude but trust yourself.
         ✌ Have busy & idle days both to rejuvenate yourself.
         ✌ Have a let-go-off attitude for the thing you hold.
Roots have to be stiff deep inside the soil, and stem have to be flexible by swaying in storms to make tree stand strong. A strong character with flexible behavior gives stability. Accept what you can’t do now and act on what you can do now to respire new life to your mind. 

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Say a soulful ‘YES’… it means a ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences

say no, saying yes, affirmative
You can’t reach anywhere around your dreams without saying ‘YES’. Often saying ‘yes’ to one great thing automatically becomes a ‘no’ to other good & bad things. It is very easy to say ‘yes’ as compared to say ‘no’. But, it’s very difficult to do justice with ‘yes’, you must think rationally & be conformed about future actions before saying ‘yes’. 
👍Say yes to ‘what already is?’ the present moment,nothing else is truthful.
👍Say ‘yes’ to new opportunity, try them with a hope for fruitful adventures.
👍Say ‘yes’ to preparations required to grab chances to grow & glow at highs.
👍Say ‘yes to the fights with fear and reservations about future results & life.
👍Say ‘yes’ to every effort required to make it to the highs to live your dreams. 
It all means that you are saying ‘NO’ to bad, boring & bitter experiences & going to shop for the success & happiness, the universe has in store exclusively for you. This all needs a bigger burning desire inside you to say ‘yes’ to your own priorities. It is striving to be more you, than you have ever been. 
Say ‘no’ with a lot of courage, Say ‘yes’ with a lot of self-confidence, take enough time but Stop saying lifeless ‘maybe’, just decide rationally & the success will follow you!
Also Read "Saying NO"

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

QUITTING: almighty always allows excuses & escapes for ‘On the Way Pick-ups’

Jumbling-n-jerks will break you down to make you what you are intended to be. When the path you are trekking seems all uphill, take rest. If you are worn-out than learn to take rest; not to abandon the journey to DREAMS. It’s like chasing silver-line of the dark clouds; you may not know how close you are to it, when you took a flight back.
quit or win, hopelessness
Remember the reason of your journey; don’t give up; make mistakes; find new ways & keep moving. Making continuous efforts with recurrent failures is very scary; but lifelong regret of quitting are scarier. Pain of quitting your dreams when you are about to succeed & wanted to continue last forever.
Never quit on your dreams that you can’t go a moment without thinking about it. Sometimes things take a little longer to happen. One day when you will look back and you will be glad you didn’t gave up in past. You are crushed when you give up. What happens if you don’t give up? You will either succeed or learn a lot from the lost fights.
But, surprisingly many a time’s quitting is the best thing to do; it is perfectly okay and necessary to walk away:

👍When things do not make you happy any more.

👍When you do not feel excited about the required next step

👍When the task doesn’t complements your personality.

👍When you are able to follow your heart & intuitions.

👍When your actions doesn’t move towards your dreams.

👍When things can be improved by change only.

👍When you have had enough of everything for a fulfilling life.

Don’t quit just because some external events went wrong; quit because you have not left even a single stone unturned; but still thing are not getting better. Before quitting just give it one last shot. Sometime letting go the thing is better; to make yourself free for some changes & new opportunities.
To keep balance in your life you have to keep moving. Successful people learn to let go the wrong things at the right time. One should not be afraid of quitting a good task in persuade of the great one. Life is to be balanced by kicking back to do a different thing as well.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Be like snow & say ‘NO’… it is factual & confirming…

learn to say NO, silver line, clouds
No 'Noes' & affirmative replies just to please others will build high expectations; which when not fulfilled will bring disappointments stress & anger to everyone. Do not chase to grab people at the expense of really important dreams. People who really value your existence will come back to understand you.

Majority of dilemmas can be mapped out to a white lie ‘yes’ & a pending ‘no’. Saying ‘no’ means you know your limits. Saying ‘no’ can save & simplify your life positively with no guilt to yourself. Don’t injure the utmost bonding between you & you.

Don’t say ‘maybe’ or ‘yes’, if you want to say ‘no’. Don’t let these single words overload your brain & heart. Many times when you quickly say ‘yes’; you are confused about future actions & reactions. But, when you say ‘no’; you clearly know ‘why you said it’.

How & when to say ‘no’ to almost everything that don’t bring joy to you:
👍Accept that saying NO is okay; it doesn’t mean you are a hard-nosed person.
👍Define what is good for your wellbeing as well as interpersonal relations.
👍Be clear about what dreams you want to peruse, required efforts & consequences.
👍 You will have a clear & simple response “No’ for everything else.
👍Give valid reason without over-explanations & over-apologize for it.
👍Try to provide a fruitful substitute, if you feel like helping others.
👍 If you are not clear, delay you reply & come back with clear thoughts.
👍 Learn to listen and accept the ‘NO’ from others as well.

Say ‘no’ to thing for which you have no concern, no time & no aptitude.By doing so you will be able to spare enough quality time for the interesting dreams which deserve your aptitude as well as attitude.

Do yourself a favor by choose wisely between ‘a single NO to wrong one’ otherwise ‘many untold NOs to best ones’.

People with awareness & acceptance of true self-worth & high self-esteem, have courage to say ‘NO’ as well as confidence to ‘YES’.

Don’t neglect the power of positive ‘NO’.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

FAILURE: Just a warning, re-route & go ahead.

fear of failure, confidence, courage, letdowns, don't loss hope
The interesting stories of failures of iconically successful people that teaches us the great lessons and warnings as well. The story of how these courageous people managed to bounce back confidently & how they failed again but kept on trying to live their dreams
Don’t question yourself while you think of some unique plans. Be prepared to be wrong; don't judge yourself, don’t refuse to get up & try again to achieve something unusual. Failure brings disappointment, motivate the self to learn, it’s an opportunity to change & succeed. 
When purposes & competition are supreme, even failures are splendid. Generally failures are perceived to be more public & everyone try to avoid failures. It is more bothered about than success. What counts is the daring to carry on with positivity & look forward confidently
Success is easy to find and failure is even more easier to be kept by not trying again. Failure is letting go the chance to try and win. Pains of taking back foot last forever, better collect the self-confidence to win over the terror of failure.
Only a real fall can tell you the altitude on which you are standing now. It helps get proper perspective & a chance to revise your strength to wisely bounce back higher. Failures are not dead-ends but they are the signals that you need to re-route your journey towards success.
Push your limits to live the better failures next time and enjoy the ultimate supreme success.

Friday, 30 June 2017

COMPETITION: Outshine Yourown Bygone!

competition, success, failure, win, lose, fear, compete
Our competition decides the greatness of our success. Success achieved or even failures against some worth competing superior fellow is a matter of honor. If you have great competitors, that’s is your luck that you have got a chance to grab, grow and glow.
Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. For a toddler, standing on his own feet for the first time is most joyous moment of success. Toddlers compete with themselves. For an Olympian, it is going to be different. First know & accept ‘Who are you?’ & try to be a better person.
Don’t think about how society defines the completion for you. It’s your take, you only can decide to whom to compete & for what to compete. You only can find the perfect competition for your game. You can only decide what different you want to do for society.
Success always follow the willpower to do things flawlessly. Competition as well as Success has no limits & you have infinite energy. You can always revisit & review your dreams for a better version of it. Put your head & heart in whatever you do.
Be a matter of competition to others.

Monday, 26 June 2017

FEAR: Raise above, it’s absolutely your choice!

how to handle fear, fear factor, fear handling technique
People will always tell “don’t do it. It’s very tough, you don’t know, you can’t do this, you will get injured, you will fail, and so on…” You don’t need everyone to like you for listening to them, better avoid or else ignore them.
At least try it once, scars of failure are better than regretting forever. Don’t be afraid of being slow or average or . . . have patience, keep trying & doing little things rather than doing nothing

Self-created or majority of times, fear is induced by others also. You have fear when you have something important enough to be lost or achieved. 

Fear is a sensation conceived due to perceived vulnerability. Fear kills hopes & dreams. Fear covers up your wisdom. Don’t hold on the fear, it will lead to anger, hatred and stress
Fear is wondering & waiting for what worse can happen. While, courage is facing & fighting with fear and making things happen. 
Spirit to strive for success should be strike of fear of failure. Knowledge & understanding nurtures the courage. Faith in yourself will ascertain a positive way to ensure success and live your dream.
It is the greatest fight with yourself. It’s not your weakness but your fear that ensues failures when you RUN away from taking risk & competition. Never let momentary fear decide your fate. 
Fighting fear may give you the most adventurous memories to be cherished forever. Freedom from fear is freedom from failure.
It’s nearly impossible to be fearless; it will exist forever, but we can always overthrow fear by breaking our comfort zone. Don’t miss a single smallest chance to defeat fear.

Monday, 19 June 2017

ANGER: unInvited dAnger for yourSelf.

Anger Management, anger control, angry bird, angry
Anger is absolutely normal but it may create huge complications. Even though you are correct. Anger is very difficult to be justified as well as judged. It makes you irrationally emotional for a while.
But, Holding back the angry hurts physical, mental & spiritual health. Try to explain your anger calmly. You can keep arguments on but let go off the anger.
Anger should be managed rather than controlled. It's all about find alternative way outs.
  • Breathe deep to relax and repeat “take it easy”. Concentrate on resolving the issue & try to bounce back to the well-deserved peace for self.
  • Spare yourself! Give a break by changing your immediate surrounding. Make yourself so worthy that people think twice before they make you angry.
  • Better, forgive the people you love & forget the people you don’t love. Stop caring the people, they will than start noticing your importance in their life.
Anger is an involuntary choose most of the times. It is an intense emotional response to a perceived provocation & unfulfilled expectations. It is a strong & serious emotion of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
Don’t let your anger consume your peace and energy. Don’t let your tongue work faster than mind. Anger management will help you to grow beyond what you were with greater self confidence.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

DREAMS: Enjoy the Flight & the Stars!

Efforts to make dreams come true will give you a treasure of adventurous memories. Dream big and beautiful. Dreams are the ideas of original & unbiased mind. It is an aspirational thought but then what is life without dreaming about a moon shot? Dreams are the wildest plan to act upon now.

Be the first to see the new opportunities around. Be the one who develop the new opportunities. Be the grabber of old - familiar opportunities that were over-looked in past. There are limitless possibilities hiding within yourself, explore them, explain them & exploit them.

It is your opinion that counts the most about your dream goals. Don’t doubt your dreams. Dreams may scare you at first; dreams may not let you sleep. So, don’t let go of your dreams in any state of affairs. Take efforts to push yourself forward with your dreams; no magic works here.

Believe in your dream with heart and soul. Act on your dreams with eye and mind open. Have patience when time test you. Don’t give up till you try the last unturned stone. Don’t let your past mistakes crush your mind; rather use them as platform to view new skylines.
Set yourself free to think-n-act fresh; live your dreams & enjoy life.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

STRESS: make us do some charismatic things!

Stress is neither bad as we think of it nor it is that good. It’s okay to be stressed out, if we can manage it well. If it flows in right direction, it becomes the key to sugar coated success. If it flow in wrong direction, it puts a deadlock over possibilities of success.
Stress Management, eustress, distress, stress handling techniques
Stress get converted into negative vibes, when we add performance pressure, created due to expectations of people around us. Avoid such creators of anxiety. Avoid such destructor of self-confidence. Surpass the stress to win over ‘terror of failure’.
Let’s convert the short-term stress into eustress. Stress is not always negative. It can motivate us to prepare and perform better. It push us forward & make us do some charismatic things & achieve beyond expectations. We have to teach ourselves to manage it.
👉Awareness of initiators of stress: finding the reason & expectation behind particular feelings & count the occurrence of such feeling.
👉Stuffs that nurture the stress: finding & avoid plot, people, place who keep these feelings awake for long & don’t let go it.
👉Way of communicating the stress: listen more & finding the composed way these feeling can be conveyed to people around.
We need to Understand and accept the stress. Indeed,’ Compassion for stress’ can keep us motivated. An undesirable event is not end of everything in life; don’t let that get to you too much!
It’s about doing the right thing in the right way, without over-thinking about it. Take it easy, separate it with other thing, slow-down a little, be calm, simplify the things, have sensible analysis & response.
Read more on... Be Positive

Thursday, 13 April 2017

EMOTIONS says ‘Put Nice Nicknames to Me’

It is how our brainpower listen & respond to our inner voice. Emotions are the complex by-product of our hard-working heart.

In our busy schedule; we not only forget to take care of our own emotional health; but we also fails to understand how people feel around us.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

I Found ME

 Love YourSelf
I am ME
👉Can we build “I am ME?” a sense of our own value which is fairly true to ourselves? Of course yes; look for positive associations with others and just list down your personal strengths, abilities & areas of improvements. Then; set achievable goals based on your needs, wants & desires. Recognise your achievements at each milestone on the way and don’t forget to reward yourselves… you will surely come to know the awesome “Who” you are...  Read More on Self WORTH
👉A journey from “I wish I had” to “I’m glad I did”. Remember you can have anything in this world, if you just have faith in yourself. Self-esteem is key to great social effectiveness. Chin-up sweetie you are intelligent… beautiful… smart… adorable… successful… in your own unique way... Read More on Self ESTEEM
👉Don’t worry, if you don’t succeed, it may be beyond your mental or physical capabilities. You can always start something new or different. The world has seen many business tycoons who have failed in launching a product, but they don’t stop, they try another thing. If you can defeat ‘terror of failure’ by your 'craving for victory', no one can let you down... Read More on Self CONFIDENCE

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

LISTEN: To Whom? To What? Confused all the time!

To whom should I Listen "the outer world or the inner self"? 😇

Our capability to listen effectively to the voice of outer world is judged. It’s our ability to absorb the inputs from outer world with open mind, congestion free heart & a generous soul. A desire of being a better listener comes with many benefits: easily approachable, become trust worthy & get more information.

Our talent & desire to realise, understand and accept the voice of inner self; is the most neglected but surprisingly; the most essential listening skill. Voice of inner self include the thoughts from mind, the emotions from heart and the passion from soul. 
😊 Listening to self is a ground work, before you appear as a listener in front of the world. Look inside yourself, to have confident eye contact with speaker.
😐Have empathy while listening; for a better understanding of the feelings & words of the speaker. Avoid developing & offering an immediate solution. Rather, be a facilitator to find a solution.
😉 Ask appropriate questions to the speaker to clarify and conform the main idea. Remember to give conscious feedback through words & facial expressions.

Objective is to LISTEN to absorb, understand & LEARN. First of all, acknowledge that you have listen keenly. Wait a while, be patient before you evaluate, judge, form any opinion & convey the reply.
All in all, before we start speaking, we need to complete the listening first.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Be Optimistic

Optimistic, being positive, how to be positive, B+
Positive attitude doesn’t always come natural. We need to look at the brighter side. Need to take few conscious steps... Read More on this Topic 

Express to Impress

impression Management, impress yourself
Don’t go out, search & try to imitate a popular personalities in the pursuit of admiration by others. It’s the begins when, you express reality to IMPRESS yourself... 

IMPRESS yourself, the special branding efforts for someone who you know the best..!!!

Be your own, to evolve yourself, no one else can do this for you. Give utmost consideration to your own opinions & emotions, you can ignore everything else for a while. Start taking efforts now to impress yourself on priority, everyone else is secondary. It’s never too late, it starts with being yourself.

👉Push yourself to spare some time every day to do something creative. Pull the positive & patience for the possibilities, power & position you may be having. Convince yourself & do whatever makes your cheerful. Compassionate way to live & love the life is to be passionate about things you like. Expect nothing but make yourself busy finding the real & brand new you.

👉Don’t go out, search & try to imitate a popular personalities in the pursuit of admiration by others. It’s the beginning where, you express reality to impress yourself, others will automatically get impressed. While expressing yourself, you may make mistakes and stumble a little, but important is to learn and move ahead. Avoid judging yourself before you start a journey with yourself.

🙌You ‘yourself’ is the most ignored person in the list of “People to be impressed”

🙌It is just a forever moment when you realise that it’s ‘you’ who is the most vital.

🙌It begins with realisation of self-worth, achieving high self-esteem forever & endorsing Self-confidence on the world out there.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

JUDGE yourself less for a contented innersole.

 being judgemental, Being Judged, Judge yourself less
We may not be knowing the finest of us to the fullest. To judge ourselves is to assume, assess, analyses & define ourselves. First ask & answer honestly “Who is me to judge? What is the need to judge?”
  • Just because people don’t agree with you. Just because people did something wrong to you. Just because people are ahead of you. Don’t CRITICISE yourself using sight & spectacles of others.
  • Just because people pointed out some of your mistakes. Yeah, mistakes are to be wiped out, corrected & not to be repeated ever after. Don’t CHANGE yourself to quick fix yourself in to the world.
  • Just because people are different from you. Start, swiftness & success can’t be defined identically by different people. You are unique. Don’t COMPARE yourself with others is unjust.
  • Just because people avoid or ignore you. Keep in mind, you don’t judge the one you love & self-love is foreseeable & forever. Don’t COMPLAIN about yourself & injure your heart.
  • Just be honest & humble to yourself. Have your own realistic standards & achievable objectives. Just try to COMPREHEND yourself.
Just keep moving forward. Persistently think on how & where you are going. Do what you have to do for yourself? You will find wonderfully interesting people on the way.

Judging is an activity with no purpose. Rather, be a witness and you will watch the world with no whines. It’s like ending the never ending war with inner-self. You are here to impress yourself.

Friday, 17 March 2017

AVOID Let-downs to Stand-up with Happy You.

Avoidance, avoiding

Many of us love desserts after dinner, but we need to avoid excess sugar for better health. Avoiding is not same as disliking or ignoring something. We may want something, but that thing may not be right for us. 
Few of us have natural instinct & skills of avoiding agitated situations. But, many of us don’t have guts to escape conflicts & disappointments. Want to avoid unhappiness? Here we go for revision of some known way outs:
👎Most important, we should never avoid people for their (unintended) mistakes in past. And, if we have made such mistake, it’s Okay! Confess & apologise for it. But, for one  such let-down, don't let such things/ people occupy space in your head forever. We can always avoid such people, who keep re-reading about our earlier failures.
👎We can always keep safe distance from originators of negativity. We can sidestep people who may deliberately or frequently hurts & threatens our joy. They may direct a drama casting us (the victim) as the villain. They may destroy your self-confidence.
👍We can avoid expecting anything from anyone (including yourself), to escape messing up with our head & heart. But, we can happily hang out with positive people. Prioritise people who respect & inspire. They may indirectly affluence & bring out the finest.
👍 We can aim success, but we can’t avoid failures coming on the way to the desired peak you dreamt about.. Don’t fear criticism, just avoid over thinking. Keep innovative spirit alive within & accept the consequences. But, be selective about endeavours!
And finally, if someone is avoiding you, then judge yourself less, keep moving & stop disturbing that person.
Don’t doubt your existence.... Don’t close eyes to yourself... Don’t side-step your Life!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Silly ME! Created heart-breakers for myself: EXPECTATIONS

busy bees, being busy, how to keep yourself busy?
It is a very common question “Should we expect something from ourselves?” & it is most doubtfully answered as well.
Why we have doubt on our own abilities to perform? Then, how will we make others believe on our abilities to perform? Eventually, we start expecting the failures.

Don't ignore strengths as well as areas of improvements. Keep track of each success and failure. Only two things can happen learning or unlearning from success & failures.
Keep your expectations high on the ability of people to achieve & low on People. Don’t let people (including yourself) disappoint you! Don’t wait for something to happen, rather create it & celebrate it. It’s better to feel surprised!
Don’t dive against the flow of life, it feeds frustration only. Appreciate “the things as they are?” instead of unhealthy attachments to “How things are supposed to be?” Holding hopes is the root of hurt & hatred.

busy bees, being busy, how to keep yourself busy?
👎Don’t assume & ask,
👎Don’t Idealise,
👎Don’t Expect.
💢Always & Anyways:
👍ACCEPT actuality,
👍ANTICIPATE aftermaths,
👍ATTACH abilities,
👍ACHIEVE aspirations astonishingly.

It’s better to be bent & broken for a better personality. We can exceed our expectations, as we would be expecting less than the highs we can achieve.

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